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Family Law Blog - Just Law


Numerous factors are taken into consideration by Utah family law courts when determining the terms of child support agreements. No matter if you have physical custody of your child or not, it can be incredibly helpful to be familiar with the major components used to establish the appropriate amount of

From relocation to visitation rights, there are a wide variety of legal issues that sometimes come with divorce. For those who are concerned about being able to spend time with their children, a child custody dispute can be highly emotional and stressful. In Salt Lake City, Utah, people who are seeking

As a parent, you may be concerned about child support for various reasons. On the one hand, you may be a custodial parent who is worried about being able to provide for your children or your child’s other parent refusing to pay what they owe. On the other hand, you

When it comes to legal topics concerning divorce, such as the payment of child support or parental relocation, emotions can be intense for people on both sides. Across Salt Lake City, Utah, this can be especially true for those who are concerned about how their marital property will be divvied

For people who are unable to pay child support, there may be diverse issues to consider. Sometimes, people refuse to pay child support, which can lead to harsh consequences such as time behind bars and fines. In Salt Lake City, and all over Utah, those who are unhappy about their

Parents often have many concerns after splitting up with each other, such as how much child support will be paid and who will be able to spend time with the children on certain days. Unfortunately, custody matters can be especially challenging for some families in Salt Lake City, and all

If you have fallen behind on child support, or are worried that you will become delinquent soon, it is vital to carefully assess your circumstances at once. In Salt Lake City, and all other parts of Utah, falling behind on child support payments can have serious repercussions that completely upend

If divorce has become necessary, you may be wondering how your life will change and the possible financial and emotional impact of breaking up with your spouse. However, you should also remember the potential effects of divorce on children in Salt Lake City, Utah, and across the U.S. Fortunately, there

Married couples who are getting ready to break up often have an assortment of uncertainties, from wondering how child support is calculated to custody matters, spousal support and other family law issues. At Just Law Utah, we know how stressful divorce can be for people in Salt Lake City, and

When it comes to tax season, people often have all sorts of questions. However, if you recently split up with your spouse, you may have even more uncertainties. For example, you could be wondering if child support payments that you have received are taxable. In Salt Lake City, and every

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