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Child Custody

Child Custody Archives - Page 2 of 2 -

Parents often have many concerns after splitting up with each other, such as how much child support will be paid and who will be able to spend time with the children on certain days. Unfortunately, custody matters can be especially challenging for some families in Salt Lake City, and all

If you are a grandparent, you may have all sorts of concerns related to your grandchild, such as how they are performing in school. However, it can be particularly upsetting if you are unable to spend time with them, which may occur for different reasons. If you are going through

From the visitation to shared custody, there are a number of terms related to child custody. However, it is important to understand some of the simplest terms if you anticipate a divorce in the near future. If you live in Salt Lake City, you may have all sorts of questions,

If you have recently gone through a divorce, or are thinking about how splitting up with your marital partner could affect you, many considerations may be in front of you, such as dividing your marital property, alimony, relocation and a host of other matters. Whether you live in Salt Lake

For parents, a plethora of changes can make it more difficult to raise children, such as the loss of a job or an injury that was not expected. Sometimes, these changes are so significant that it is necessary for parents to modify their child support order or custody order. In

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